Freihandelsabkommen TPP Vietnam könnte der Gewinner sein
Fünf Jahre wurde am Transpazifischen Partnerschaftsabkommen (TPP) gearbeitet und verhandelt. Heute wollen die Handelsminister auf Hawaii zu einem Abschluss kommen. Mit dabei sind Wirtschaftsmächte wie die USA, Japan oder Kanada. Mehr als alle anderen dürfte aber Vietnam profitieren.
Von Marcus Pindur
Das Potential der Handelszone, die die beteiligten Pazifikanrainer bilden wollen, ist gewaltig. 40 Prozent der Weltwirtschaftsleistung sind hier zuhause. Präsident Obama versucht immer wieder, die Befürchtungen der amerikanischen Gewerkschaften, die strikt gegen TPP sind, zu zerstreuen. Durch die einklagbare Angleichung von Standards werde im Gegenteil der Handel fairer. "Vietnam müsste zum Beispiel zum ersten Mal seine Arbeitsbedingungen verbessern. Vietnam müsste einen Mindestlohn einführen. Es müsste die Arbeitssicherheit verbessern. Zum allerersten Mal müssten auch freie Gewerkschaften zugelassen werden. Das wäre ein Fortschritt.
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biet thu vuon | do choi sieu cao cap | duong vat gia cao cap | nha dep | thiet ke nha dep |
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FTAs TPPVietnam could be the winner
Five years worked and negotiated the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). Today the trade ministers want to come to Hawaii to a conclusion. Included are economic powers such as the USA, Japan or Canada. But more than any other is likely to benefit Vietnam.
By Marcus Pindur
Workers at a factory of the company TCL in the Vietnamese province of Dong Nai. (Imago / Xinhua)
Workers at a factory in the Vietnamese province of Dong Nai. (Imago / Xinhua)
The potential of the trade zone who want to form the Pacific Rim involved is enormous. 40 percent of world economic output are at home here. President Obama keeps trying to allay the fears of the American trade unions, which are strongly opposed to TPP. By enforceable approximation of standards of fair trade is the opposite. "Vietnam may have, for example, for the first time improve its working conditions. Vietnam should introduce a minimum wage. It would improve safety at work. For the first time also free trade unions would have to be admitted. That would be a step forward."
On the Europeans TPP will have little impact. Firstly, the European Union has already far-reaching free trade agreements with many countries of Southeast Asia and South America. Second, Europeans are currently negotiating with the United States also a far-reaching free trade and investment agreement - the so-called TTIP Agreement.
As one of the biggest winners of a Pacific free trade agreement Vietnam is traded. America is now for the former enemies of the United States the main export market: Mainly clothing and footwear from Vietnam leads. Falling tariff barriers that currently are 17-32 percent, then will be a report of the Washington Institute for International Economics Peterson According to broaden the Vietnamese exports dramatically. At the same time, direct investment in Vietnam would increase significantly, partly because the country had the lowest per capita income of the TPP zone. At the same time economists say here ahead of the largest percentage increases in income.
Vietnam clearly wants to be close to the United States. Twice in the past two years, the highest state and party officials came to visit. Last in early July the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Nguyen Phu Trong, which was contrary to diplomatic conventions even invited to the White House, where otherwise only government members are received.
This highlights the geo-strategic importance of the TPP Agreement. Not only the relations of Vietnam to China are disrupted, since China in the South China Sea is pursuing a clear growth path. TPP is part of the American strategy of so-called "tilt to Asia", "pivot to Asia". Vietnam and the US wants to not only wants to improve trade relations with each other, but also to counterbalance the increasingly aggressive China's emergence in the region.